A free video on market research?



One thing I feel everybody should always work on is feedback.
Either you own a business…
Or you run an information marketing business.
Or you provide services.
Or you just lead a personal life.
You need to work on feedback from people.
And yeah…
I know feedback is in two formats.
The good one and the bad one.
And if I am asked which to focus on…
I will say both.
Here’s what I mean:
The good feedbacks are basically for testimonials. 
They are used to attract more customers.
And to my best understanding, I will say you take this with a pinch of salt.
Don’t let it get to your head at all.
Just keep the good feedbacks somewhere and you pick them up later.
And you see the bad feedbacks are what you should pay attention to. 
Even though some are just bitter and they will drop you bad feedback. 
Leave those and face repetitive complaints.
And when I say repetitive complaints.
I mean complaints that your customers or people around you kept mentioning.
And please, stop justifying rubbish to say that’s your behaviour. 
Nah Nah.
There are things you should change if you really want to go far in life.
So pay attention to these repetitive complaints.
For example:
Two to five clients already told you that they don’t like the way you deliver your copy.
Then you need to look into it and find a way to change it.
It’s that simple.
But if you want to form a bad bish that won’t change.
Then be a guest to hunger and probably poverty.
See, I am not telling you to fawn over what people say or anything.
You should know by now that I don’t care about what people say as much as I am doing the right thing.
And that was why I said there are some people with bad vibes that will give bad feedback. 
Ignore those and face the real ones.
But how do you recognise the real feedback from the bad vibes?
Well, I don’t know either.
I only use my intuition and study the person giving the feedback.
And that’s also the reason I mentioned repetitive complaints.
And in respect to all these feedback thingy.
I was thinking of what else to add to the layman guide to make it more valuable.
I honestly want to make the guide the best copywriting guide out there.
And I saw two more things to add.
But don’t also forget I added a community some days back.
And now, I want to add a video on pure market research for any product.
I will record and add that this new week. 
Because I got to realise I didn’t talk about market research deeply in the course.
So I will be adding a market research video that will teach you how to find your target market:
  • Pain points
  • Fears
  • Desires
  • Primal desires
  • Objections
  • Etc.
It will be so comprehensive that by the time you are done implementing what’s in the video for anything you want to write on…
Your copy would have almost written itself.
And that’s number one.
The second one is either a video or a PDF guide on how to assemble your copy after market research.
When I started this copywriting thingy, I had this huge problem of assembling my research into a solid copy 
And just last week, a mentee of mine also came to tell me he has the same problem. 
So to make it easy for anybody taking the layman guide.
I will also be adding this bonus coming next week.
And by the time you get this bonus…
  • You should be able to collect all your market research information. 
  • Filter the good ones and the bad ones.
  • Structure them in a way that they will all reflect in your copy without leaving anything behind.
  • And to also make them super punchy that your reader will think you are living in her head.
And that’s the second bonus I am adding.
Which by now, I don’t think I have to tell you that the price will increase immediately after those bonuses are added.
And I don’t have to also tell you that I don’t do fake urgency. 
But if you have gotten the layman guide, then you don’t have to worry about these addons because you have free access to them.
And if you haven’t gotten the layman guide and you want to get them before the price increases…
Then here’s your invite link:
The Layman Guide.
Read through and also join the wise folks that want to make between $500 to $2000 monthly by writing few words all in the comfort of their rooms.
To your success,
Dolapo Hamzat.

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