That brings me back to you…



You know things can really be crazy without even touching it.
Because if not..
Why won’t I send you a mail for 2 straight day?
I will tell you..
But first thing is to let me curse some people here and there..
This country Nigeria is really annoying..
Because why would I want to pay and won’t be able to pay?
Isn’t that crazy?
I have my money fgs..
Just for the card to work but it kept declining..
I tried 3 different cards but they are all the same..
And that’s exactly why I haven’t been able to send you any mail since 2 days ago.
I am not happy and glad..
In fact, I write the mail in my Google Keep everyday..
But it’s not just going out to you..
Which is sad.
Did you miss me?
Talk the truth and shame the devil..
Did you miss me writing to you?
While ruminating over your feelings..
Let’s quickly go over something interesting…
CG: Is that him? Number 21?
V: Yes, that’s him..
CG: But He is the worst player on this field..
V: Yes I know, I am sorry.
CG: Don’t worry, I will take him.
That above is the conversation between Vincenzo and Coach Giuseppe.
But let’s take it a bit back to know how we got there..
You see, I rarely watch Kdrama but anyone I watch?
I am coming back with marketing lessons that will wow you.
So Vincenzo partner was unlawful arrested..
She has no point or hope of getting out because the offenses she was charged with were huge..
And as a good partner in the Italian mafia..
He needs to get Ms. Hong out ASAP. 
So he went into the underground work of knowing what their enemy wants so bad..
He got to discover Myung hee (the one who locked his partner up) wants to really get the chief Prosecutor to be on her company’s payroll..
But the chief Prosecutor rejected it because he doesn’t take bribe..
So Vincenzo dig deeper to know exactly what the chief Prosecutor wants the most..
And He got to realize the chief Prosecutor want his son to be in an European team.
Fortunately for Vincenzo, one of his friend from Italy who is a coach came to sign some new players in Korea..
So he linked up with his friend to take the chief Prosecutor son..
And with that, he made deal with chief Prosecutor to give Myung Hee what she wants.. 
And in turn, Myung hee will get his partner released..
And just like the scene above..
It all happened because Vincenzo knows what the Chief Prosecutor wants..
So that brings me back to you..
Did you see the way Vincenzo did his underground research..
He knows Myung hee want power (her want)…
And the only way to achieve that is to get the chief Prosecutor on her company’s payroll (primal desires)
So that makes it very easy for Vincenzo to get his partner released..
And that’s just exactly what will make your prospect react to anything you are telling her..
If you are not touching her deeply and rubbing salt on her wounds..
She literally won’t buy.
She will just enjoy your story and read and then zoom off..
You know we all have inner wants (primal desires)
If we see anybody to really fulfil or promise to fulfil that..
We will jump right at that person..
It’s just simple analogy.. 
Give me what I want..
And I give you money.
Simple as ABC. 
Without beating too much around the Bush.. 
The essence of this letter are:
1. To apologize for not sending you my lovely letters for 2 days straight..
Broke my record but nothing to do..
I am sorry . 
2. To show you that people hardly react to any message that doesn’t plan to cater for their primal desires..
So if you really want to make the stupid and big money you plan for..
You need to tame the innermost demon of your prospect and use it against them.
3. And lastly…
I want to tell you something very important about the copywriting community.
And these are:
  • I kept some bonuses aside to not attract freebies seeker.. because I don’t want them here.
  • I have decided to add some activities to the community that will bring you money as you learn..
  • And don’t forget the major aim of the community is to make you an animal in copywriting..
Not client acquisition or anything in between..
Just to write and pull emotions at will..
And just last week..
Someone came to ask me that she’s a business owner.. can she join?
And I said.. 
Do you know what copywriting is?
Do you know what headline, lead and close is?
If yes, you are eligible to be in this community. 
Run your business with written words that will make monkey eat butter..
And watch your sales explode without stopping.
That’s what copywriting has been doing for businesses and it can do that for you.
So if all these sounds like something you are really interested in…
Sounds like something you want and desire..
Sounds like something that will skyrocket your sales..
Join us here: Copywriters Community 
So, with this few point of mine..
I think I have been able to let you know that I am sorry for the past 2 days.
I hope you forgive me.
To your success,
Dolapo Hamzat.

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