He will forever adore you…



It’s really a funny thing how two strangers click..
They don’t know each other from Adam..
They just have little talks and discovered they have interests that matches each other..
And after that, they exchange contacts and boom..
Long term friendship begins..
And truth be told..
This is how you also want to structure your sales funnel every time..
Your prospect is actually someone that doesn’t know you..
He has never heard of you nor your brand..
He only knows he has a huge problem that he wants to solve..
And while he is going through his IG laughing at big asses and slay mamas..
He came across your content…
He saw what hooked him which can be your headline or even image or video..
He read more and fell in love..
You promised him a very free something which he can’t even resist..
And funny enough, this free thing tallies with the problem he has presently..
But by the time he wants to get the free something..
You decided to get his email address and name so he can get it delivered..
I bet he will gladly rush you with the email address and name.
And after rushing with the email address and name..
You gave him his free content (your lead magnet)..
And if he likes what he see..
He will forever adore you…
And it’s doesn’t even end there..
He will keep telling others about you and what you gave to him..
Just as simple as that.
You see..
Sales and Marketing is really not hard at all..
You just need to follow the laid down process and tweak it to your taste..
And this is where sales funnel comes in…
What is a sales funnel?
This is basically the journey your prospect embark on to move from being a stranger to life long buyer..
There are different sales funnel types..
But the easiest and simplest of them goes this way..
Run adverts: This is the point of generating traffic from any source either Facebook, WhatsApp or even word of mouth..
You don’t sell here or you pursue your potential customers..
Offer a free gift (lead magnet): Instead of telling them to buy immediately from the traffic source..
You give them something very valuable for free instead..
It will build a strong bond between both of you..
And the law of reciprocity will kick in..
They will feel indebted to you and want to do something good for you too unconsciously..
Nurture sequence: This is the point where you keep giving them valuable information..
You shatter their objections even without pitching whatever you are selling yet..
You put them in a high pitch where they are very ready to buy whatsoever you are selling.
This nurturing can either be done via email marketing or WhatsApp status..
The point of the matter is for you to educate them.
Selling: This is the stage where you pitch to them and tell them to buy..
If you do the previous steps very well..
They will be begging you to buy from you presently..
And you won’t even be desperate at all because you are covered..
And the last step is
Repeat buying and WOM marketing: This is where they keep shouting your name and brand to their friends and families..
They keep buying from you over and over again especially if you sell products that needs refilling like make up kit.
They tell others about you which is Word of mouth marketing..
At this stage, you don’t need to run ads for this particular people to buy..
And this is just the simplest sales funnel which has been bringing in money over and over again.
But these days.
Business owners jumped from stage 1 to stage 4 and 5..
No be winch be that?
They will sell directly from their adverts to cold audiences..
They will keep begging customers to buy which is bad.
But do I care?
Hell no..
I believe you are not one of them . 
And if you are one of them, I believe today’s letter has enlightened you.
I believe so.
To your success,
Dolapo Hamzat.

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